Sunday, April 12, 2015
Hello there (un)lucky stumbler. Welcome to my weird blog.
This blog was started to help me practise and improve my writing, and to also serve as a medium for me to just talk about things that interest me, specifically dance and music.
To give you an insight on what I will probably blog about in the future, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dan and I'd like to think of myself as a work in progress. I have been dancing for 15 years, and making music for 12 years. In terms of dance styles, I have been trained in ballet, but I have also danced in contemporary, ethnic, modern, broadway and hip hop pieces. I follow most of the Asian-American dancers in the California area, in particular, the Kinjaz. I also do follow the Royal Ballet so there's that. As for the music side, I can play the electone/keyboard/piano and I'm still working on the guitar and drums. For music taste, it ranges from the Foo Fighters to Tchaikovsky. My taste in music is also influenced by my taste in dance videos, so there's a likelihood that the song I would be obsessed with for that particular week or month would be from a dance performance I watched recently.
I guess that's all for now. Dan out *drops mic*
EDIT: My best friend Jac will also be contributing to this little thing so expect a welcome post from her soon.